Health Insurance Information letter

2025 Eesti Energia AS group companies employees

If Health Insurance is an addition to the national health insurance system signed by the employer in the interest of the employee, which enables to use paid health services at a lower cost and to receive the necessary treatment more quickly. This information letter provides an overview of the events when you can use the If Health Insurance.

Policy period: 01.01.2025-31.12.2025
Policy validity region: Estonia

If's Health Insurance Advantages

if mobile

If Mobile Baltics application

A convenient and secure way to manage your health insurance on your smartphone.


No queueing to see a doctor and get a remote consultation from a family doctor paid for in full by the If health policy.

Broadest range of medical services

No hidden restrictions, exclusions are clearly described. Treatments of previously diagnosed and oncological diseases are also covered.

Examples of health insurance

Questions & Answers

covered What to do in case of illness or need for other treatment?

In case of illness or need for other treatment, choose a suitable medical institution in Estonia. You can visit medical specialists without a referral of the family physician. For additional examinations, tests, procedures, etc., you need a doctor’s referral or the part of your case history including the treatment prescribed (available on website). Hospitalisation must be agreed with If beforehand. Before receiving the medical service, it must be checked whether the service provider has an activity licence or professional licence. You must initially pay for the service yourself and then file a claim to If for the indemnity of expenses via If Mobile Baltics app or in If self-service. We will indemnify the expenses to the maximum amount of the insured sum of the insurance cover, subtracting the deductible.

coveredHow to receive the indemnity?

To receive the indemnity you need to complete a health claim application in the If Mobile Baltics app or in If self-service.
You must enclose treatment documents (referral, certificate, extract from your medical history, etc.) with the health claim. Originals are not required – it is sufficient to upload photographs of the documents with your health claim.

coveredTo whom must the expense receipts be issued?

The submitted documents must show that the service has been provided to the insured person. Generally the insured person is the company employee and the insurance does not cover their family members.

coveredWhich documents are required when applying for indemnification?

To be able to decide on indemnification for the claim, we need all the documents related to the claim event. Thus, your cooperation is very important when solving a claim event.

Insurance cover


Doctor’s consultation
• document certifying the cost of the medical service (e.g., invoice of visit fee, etc.) including the names of services provided to the insured person (e.g., orthopedist’s consultation)
Examinations, tests, rehabilitation
• document certifying the cost of the medical service (invoice including the names of procedures)
• copy of referral or outpatient medical records (e.g.,
Dental care
• document certifying the cost of the medical service (invoice including the names of procedures)
• document certifying the cost of the medical service
• copy of vaccination certificate
Prescription medicines
• prescription ( or and purchase invoice of medicinal products
Hospital treatment
• document certifying the cost of the medical service
• outpatient medical records regarding the prescribed treatment (e.g.,

coveredHow can I check the balance of my health insurance limit?

The most convenient way to keep track of your limits is in the If Mobile Baltics app. You can also do it in If self-service.

coveredCan my employer see my medical history?

In case of a health insurance insured event, the employee submits all the required documents directly to If and the employer receives an anonymous general summary about the usage of the insurance covers from If. The employee does not need to submit documents about their health condition or medical expenses to the employer.

coveredWhat is not covered by health insurance?

Make sure to check the exclusions that are not covered by health insurance. Exclusions are listed in the health insurance conditions for employers.

coveredHow can I make sure that cost of treatment will be indemnified?

For confirmation whether the treatment you need is covered, please write e-mail or call our insurance line 777 1211.

coveredHow to use If Mobile Baltics app and self service portal?

Read more here


  • Insurance provider - If P&C Insurance AS
  • Insurance period - 12 months
  • The insurance policy validity area - Estonia
  • Please study the documents regulating health insurance in the Insurance Company's website in the Health Insurance section Terms and conditions:
    • Health Insurance Conditions
    • General Insurance Conditions
    • Health Insurance Product Information Page
  • The content and exclusions of the insurance cover are specified in the insurance terms and conditions
  • Handling personal data: